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Finding Clarity by Jeru Kabbal

"Every so often, a teacher and a book like this appears as a gift to all of us. Finding Clarity is a wonderfully clear roadmap for growing your soul by breaking free of unconscious patterns"

Dr. Ken Druck, author of The Secrets Men Keep


"My life has been uplifted and transformed by the teachings of Jeru Kabbal. More than twenty years ago I first encountered this man of simplicity, joyfulness, and clarity. Understanding the difference between memory and reality permanently changed my perspective of the world. The profound and enduring effect of his teachings led me to become one of his senior teachers."

Rabia Erduman, author of Veils of Separation


"I recommend this book highly for those who wish to update their personal software from the unconscious emotional reactivity and fear-driven behavior of the four year- old mind to the mature, here-and now realization of the limitless nature of love and human potential“

Ken Lakritz, PhD, co-author of Elders on Love


"Jeru offers depth clarity, and practical suggestions and dares you to relax while traveling on an exceptionally wondrous journey-your own life. Finding Clarity represents a breakthrough opportunity to encounter yourself anew and move beyond unconscious, non-productive behavior!“

Komala Lyra, author of On the Way to NowHere